Did You Know...
Greg T. | Oct 22, 2016
Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI) defines fraud as the willful abuse of an insurance policy for financial gain. Fraud is intentional and illegal.
Greg T. | Oct 22, 2016
Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI) defines fraud as the willful abuse of an insurance policy for financial gain. Fraud is intentional and illegal.
Greg T. | Jul 29, 2016
At GoAuto Insurance Company, selling car insurance is not only a profession, but it is our way of making a difference in the lives of Louisiana residents. Making it possible for people to afford the mandatory expense of car insurance makes our jobs meaningful.
Greg T. | Jul 29, 2016
Individuals who drive while sending or reading text messages are 23 percent more likely to be involved in a car crash than other drivers. A crash typically happens within an average of three seconds after a driver is distracted.